The annual Soup-er Bowl Event at Kent County High School, an Empty Bowls Project, is scheduled for Thursday, March 14, 4:30-7:00 at Kent County High School. It is presented by the Art Honor Society students and the art department under the leadership of Mrs. Stephanie Spencer.
Stephanie Spencer, Chair of the Fine Arts Department at the High School, educated her students about the degree of hunger in Kent County. Her students have learned about the work of the Community Food Pantry whose goal is that “no one goes to bed hungry in Kent County.” The students created pottery bowls that will be used used to serve a delicious meal of homemade soup, bread and dessert, prepared and donated by friends and family. Each person who attends purchases a ticket for $12 takes home an empty bowl as a reminder of the hunger in our County. All the proceeds benefit the Community Food Pantry in Kent County. Once again the Food Pantry will gratefully accept this donation made possible by the time and talents of students and faculty at our local High School. A special thank you also goes to the parents, teachers, and local restauranteurs who made and donated the soups.
Reservations are requested 410-778-4540.