Together We Can Solve Hunger.

Families or individuals may seek help from the Kent County Community Food Pantry every two weeks as needed. In 2023-24, the Pantry is busy when open on Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 until noon. Often there are 70 or more visits each day. Depending on the size of the family, each receives approximately 60 to 80 pounds of food:  fresh produce, dairy, meat, eggs, bread and shelf stable food, enough to last one or two weeks depending on the size of the family.Your generous donation supports the work of the Food Pantry. The Community Food Pantry is a 501c(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

We are a passionate community of world-changers who are committing to give what we can month after month until the day when we can finally say that no-one goes to bed hungry!